Frequently Asked Questions
Yes you can, we have a very nice intensive (4 mornings) class that is suitable also for beginners.
We do however recommend taking a few classes before coming to the festival, if that's possible for you.No, There is not enough space to store and cool extra food. If you have special needs regarding food please let us know to see if we can work that out with our cook.
We have a wonderful cook who cooks delicious vegan/ and or vegetarian food. It will always be stated clearly what is in the food we serve. What is important is that you fill out your intolerences in the registration form so that we know. Note: a wish is something completely different then an intolerence, please be clear about it.
No thats no problem! We have a wonderful cook who cooks delicious vegan/ and or vegetarian food. It will always be stated clearly what is in the food we serve. What is important is that you fill out your intolerences in the registration form so that we know. If it is still unclear we will contact you. Note: a wish is something completely different then an intolerence, please be clear about it
Not with us during the festival :)
You can venture to other restaurants if you have a car or bikeYes that is possible, although not enough for heating your van.
For accommodation in the location of the festival before or after you need to contact the venue itself -
At the railwaystation in Meppel or Steenwijk you can rent bikes and there is a rentalshop in Havelte
Yes just before the festival we will send you an invitation for a whatapp group to arrange just that.
A helper joins us 1,5 or 2 days before and a day after for building and taking apart the festival, during the festival days you will be with your team and in charge of some part of the day to day cleaning or helping
(it should not interfere with classes, and it is roughly 1.5-2 hours each day). We will provide food and sleep, and of course we will dance!We have a few fixed prices, we rent the place and a big tent, if you cancel last minute its likely we dont fill your place up. But you can sell your ticket to someone else. If you do so then please let us know so that we have names correct.
How to get there
Address of our contact festival
Winkelsteeg 5 – 7975 PV – Uffelte
Public transport
Trainstation Meppel -> Bus 28 to Beilen -> Busstop: Weg achter de Es
How to get there
Address of our festival
Winkelsteeg 5 – 7975 PV – Uffelte
Public transport
Trainstation Meppel -> Bus 28 to Beilen -> Busstop: Weg achter de Es