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Somatics - Detailed anatomical sensing to inspire my dancing

Sebas van Wetten

Somatics - Detailed anatomical sensing to inspire my dancing
1. Bones
2. The Deep Fascia

These classes of Sebas van Wetten will guide you into specific anatomical body awareness. We will focus on two body systems: our Bones and "the deep Fascia". With the help of images, touch and little movements, we will get aware of subtle sensations deep in our body, connecting us with these systems. We will than integrate these deep 'somatic'(~"the body") experiences into our dancing.

In the first class we will tune in with our Bones. Bones can provide structure and alignment; easy weight bearing and support; clarity and direction; and probably some other nice qualities. Very helpful for many aspects of our dancing.

In the second class we will work with Fascia (or more specific: "the deep fascia" (DF) = the sheet of connective tissue, just under our skin, surrounding the whole of our muscles-joints-bones ). This DF interconnects our movements along straight and spiraled lines across our whole body. Attuning to this DF helps us to coordinate complex body-wide movements. Giving a sense of whole-ness, connectedness. It can also give a very direct pulling connection to our partners in our dance.
So nice :-)

In each class: Information & Images --> Touch <-> Sensation & Awareness <-> Movements --> Moving in dialogue --> specific CI-dancing .... Something like that.

Sounds inspiring?

Sebas van Wetten

Contact improvisation has been dancing along with me for half of my life.


As a teacher, as a dancer. I'm educated as teacher of Creative Dance (dansexpressie) – an improvised dance form where it is more about expressing yourself through dance. Of Contact-Impro I really like the playfulness and how we keep figuring out the rules of the dance together each time. It is a healthy way to keep the playing child in me alive. Teaching and dancing this kept me inspired over the years.

But I am also a physiotherapist and I use this knowledge of the moving and learning body in my teaching. I want to inspire you to find poetry and expression in your dance. I use images from nature, art and anatomy to help you to develop a personal dance.

I teach weekly classes in Utrecht on Tuesdays, and irregularly classes and workshops elsewhere. See also
See me dancing with Kees Lemmens:

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