Angela-Mara Florant
Multi directionality – multi dimensionality
Especially in this highly digitalized age, the words of Andrea Olsen ring true to my ears:
“It is easy to think of ourselves as flat; mirrors and photographs give us the illusion that we are two -dimensional. Instead, we have sculpted fullness, and the curves and angles give force and agility to our body.”
Move through the room, following your personal body flow, dancing up and down through the different levels. Be pulled apart, pushed together. Leave a path trailing behind you, search for wide open spaces and return again to narrow, close, tight spaces.
We will use our breath and micro movements to modulate our inner spaces. Stimulating the fascia tissue, we experience tensegrity, not only inside ourselves, but also inside a group structure. We feel an inner pull in different directions and expand our attention in these directions.
We experience a network, a web, connecting us with the space and other dancers in the space. Can you be in and out at the same time? What does the space need in this moment? What do I need? How can these needs be balanced? How can you modulate between taking space and giving space? How can you be supportive by giving space?
We will work with the concept of multi-directionality in a physical and technical way. How can tensegrity
and multi-dimensionality be transferred to other aspects of life, other fields?
Angela-Mara Florant (DE)
Angela-Mara had her first experience with CI during her performance arts studies in Besançon, France. Based in Hamburg, she teaches several regular contact classes, gives workshops and organizes jams and festivals (NORDTANZ Festival). Since 2015, she is co- director of the dance studio “Triade” in Hamburg.
In 2022, she brought to life the Contact CompanI, a dance company performing CI.
When Angela-Mara is not dancing or teaching contact she is teaching corART (Pilates), directing independent theater productions, choreographing dance pieces (mostly based on CI).
Teachers that have inspired her work are: Nancy Stark Smith, Jörg Hassmann, Nita Little, Anjelica Doniy, Mirva Mäkinen, Martin Keogh, Frey Faust, Scott Wells, Andrew Hardwood, Daniel Lepkoff.
For me CI is an art form. I love allowing my dance to be inspired by the composition of the room.
CI opens up space,
Space within me and outside of me,
Creative space unfolding.
I enjoy looking at movement from an anatomical perspective and at the same time love the playful unfolding of stories that can occur while dancing CI. Over and over again finding and reinventing myself while continuously rediscovering and uncovering new aspects of the form are my favorite subjects of my ongoing research.