Maaike van de Westeringh

What Maaike loves about dance is that it brings us to the beauty of the moment – and every moment is different. Out of this interest her fascination for improvisation and contact- improvisation was born. She followed workshops with Julyen Hammilton and studied intensively with David Zambrano. She has been teaching dance-workshops in nature at Buitenkunst since 2010.
She finds a constant eagerness to learn more about the body’s expression and how dance can contribute something to people’s mental and physical health. She set up her own foundation with two other artists, called Kudde (www.kudde.info). They develop dance and theater-projects, both in the dance-field and in the community. The last years she has been doing exchange-projects in Uganda, Ghana and Brazil.
After her graduation from the dance academy in Tilburg (NL) in 2004 she has been working as a performer with Loic Perela (Dansateliers Rotterdam), Anne-beth Schuurmans, Marie Goeminne (dansmakers Amsterdam), T.R.A.S.H., Karen Boesser. She also created her own work like the location-project ‘Huisstofmeid’ for the Oerolfestival.
Maaike van de Westeringh
This class will be a further exploration of our feet.
In the last year I was exploring the feet into CI after realizing that they are sometimes forgotten and often used in a common way. It brought us into a more 3-dimensional awareness of the body. We zoomed into our feet and became more aware of their sensitivity and hidden potential. We were using our feet to connect to our dance-partner. We explored ways to guide our dance-partner and embrace someone with our legs. To be able to do that we found other ways to carry our weight and connect to the floor in order for the feet to become free to explore. This opened up new endless possibilities.
In this class I want to share the best of "Find your feet" and continue this research. "Your feet take you where your heart wants to go."
Some nice facts about our feet:
The average person takes 8,000-10,000 steps each day. That adds up to approximately 115,000 miles in a typical lifetime—the equivalent to circling the globe more than four times!
There are approximately 8,000 nerves in the feet—that’s more per square centimeter than any place else on your body.