Ariane Puhr
I am a psychologist, music therapist, and passionate Contact Improvisation dancer. I have been teaching Contact Improvisation since 2014, while also organizing jams and workshops. Contact Improvisation has become an essential part of my life! Both dancing and teaching provide important impulses for my personal development, and I love sharing this wealth of experience with others. I also integrate dance and embodiment practices into clinical and therapeutic contexts.
After practicing other dance forms for many years, I discovered Contact Improvisation in 2010 and have been enchanted by this wonderful dance form ever since. I repeatedly witness how Contact Improvisation can have both immediate and lasting beneficial effects on people. During my psychology studies in 2021–2022, I conducted scientific research titled “The Effect of Touch in Contact Improvisation on Affect, Stress, Sense of Connectedness, and Sense of Self: A Study on the Contact Improvisation Dance Practice.” This research explored the profound effects of this dance form.
For me, Contact Improvisation offers the opportunity to foster meaningful, understanding connections with myself and others.
Ariane Puhr (DE)
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